Monday, October 10, 2011
Survival of the fittest & Budapest almost-marathon!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Windsor Half Marathon 2011
In August - having been doing nothing more than Tuesday and Thursday training sessions all year - I thought I'd better do something about the forthcoming distance and set about a couple of 8mile weekend runs in rather unspectacular times. I resigned myself to forfeiting my entry...until everyone down the track on the Thursday before the race bullied me into running!
So, with insufficient training, but with positive vibes from the club and lots of upbeat music in my iPod I set off!
If the photo uploads properly, that's me one mile in with most of the first hill behind me. I knew there was a bigger hill at 8miles and another at 10 - but hills just seemed to keep coming this year - far more than I remembered! But each time I just cranked up the music and kept pushing - Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Unfinished Sympathy and Numb by Linkin Park seemed to keep me going when I really needed it.
The course is a small loop followed by a larger loop - all within Windsor Great Park and always seems to be a great weekend for weather, so there's lots of supporters out and about. The final mile is dead-straight with Windsor Castle in the distance, but has a habit of catching people out. You come round the corner at the top of the hill and see the finish and people start sprinting...but then you go into a dip and lose sight of the finish and it seems the longest mile ever!

But the crowds get deeper towards the finish line and everyone is cheering and the commentator is calling out as many names and numbers as possible and it all helps to get you over the line. And in my case - a new PB of 1:33:11 :-)
I wouldn't entirely recommend my method of preparing for a Half - putting a few more miles in the legs before the race would be sensible! But if I can do that time off Tuesday's and Thursday's only then Jon is obviously doing something right with his training regime.
So, my 1:30 target is still out there. Now I need to find another half to target it on, and prepare properly for a change....
Rat Race 2011
Time: 9-5pm, 8am rendezvous
Location: London (Tower Bridge, Isle of Dogs, Canary Wharf, Arsenal, Stoke Newington, St John's Wood, Mile End and Kennington)
One a rather pleasant late September morning myself, Fiona and her friend also handily called Fiona(meaming I only had to shout one name for the two of them to respond) embarked on cycle tour of London with varous challenges along the way. Over the course of the day we covered 11.2km on foot, 53km on bike, 1km in a kayak and a 20m swim! - why you may ask? Because it is fun and we got to do things that you can't do otherwise.
Afte a quick challenge on foot (1000 runners in black t-shirts running around central London, bemusing tourists), we cycled to the isle of dogs where we hopped off our bikes to do a spot of orienteering followed by a cold 20m swim in the Thames (in all our race gear - which was lovely as it helped cool us down as we were already working up quite a sweat).
It was then back on our bikes to cycle (whilst getting slightly confused with the directions) to our next water experience kayaking by the Excel centre. From there we cycled to Arsenal and arond the stadium and onwards to Stoke Newington where we had to travese a climbing wall.